
Class Timetable

Up to 4 Years
3.30 to 4pm

13 to 16 Years
6.15 to 7.45pm

5 to 6 Years
4 to 5pm
7 to 8 Years
5 to 6pm
17 to 30 years
7.30 to 9pm

9 to 12 Years
5 to 6.30pm
18 to 80 Years
Open ladies
6 to 7.15pm
Beginner, Novice & Intermediate Ladies
7.15 to 8.30pm
Teaching Faculty

Seniors 13-1st Yr
Amelia Kentwell

Seniors 2nd Yr-Opens
Nadina Zappia

Clare Johnson

Juniors 5 - 8 Yrs
Tayla Beretov

Juniors Preschoolers - 8 Yrs
Macy Werfel

Juniors 9 - 12 Yrs
Caitlin Ramirez

Juniors 9 - 12 Yrs
Claudia Comacchio

Junior Support
Kinley Morgan

Senior Support
Emily Herbert Makhoul

Ladies Support
Tracey Hoyt

Every Year
Association Registration Fee
Payable from 5 years +
​Payable directly to BJP via online registration form.
What this covers:
This fee entitles you to learn the BJP syllabus
Receive a copy of the syllabus music and video to download
To compete in team and individual competitions
Free audience entry for your family to any zone competition

Mt Ousley
Every Year
Club Registration Fee
Payable by all competing members and class attendees.
Payable online at time of registration.
What this covers:
Club insurance costs, competition entry fees and administration
club events and activities’ subsidy (eg. presentation night)
*Fairies - Preschoolers registration is only $35

Mt Ousley
Class Fee
Classes are based on $10 per lesson and are paid annually or by the term.
What this covers:
Class fees cover all BJP syllabus instructed classes
throughout the year.
Registration is completed online via our portal.
Club membership needs to be paid first, you will then receive an email detailing how to complete BJP registration.

Senior Grand Champion Hall of Fame

National Individual Competition

National Individual Competition
2019 Ashleigh Barry
2016 Kristin Scott
2012 Brooke Davey
2011 Brooke Davey
2010 Nadina Bampton
2008 Nadina Bampton
National Team Competition
Open Under 33yr ladies - 3rd Place Championship Grade
Open Over 33yr ladies - 2nd Place Championship Grade
5th Place
National Champion 1st Place
5th Place
National Champion 1st Place
3rd Place
4th Place
5th Place
1st year Senior
Kiara National Champion
1st Place
Novice Senior
Georgia Cook 5th Place
2nd Year Senior
Caitlin Ramirez 5th Place
21/22yr Open Senior
Darcie Muir 5th Place
Open Senior 25yrs & over
Amelia Kentwell National Champion 1st Place
Tarah Scott 2nd Place
Ashleigh Barry
Open Over 33yr Ladies
Nadina Zappia 2nd Place
National Team Competition
National Team Competition
State Finals Individual Competition
1st Place OVERALL Championship Grade
2nd Place Championship Grade
2nd Place Championship Grade
2nd Place Championship Grade
15/1st yrs
3rd Place Championship Grade
2nd year Seniors
1st Place
Open Seniors
1st & Cup Runners up Place A/B Grade
Open Seniors
2nd Place A/B Grade
Open Seniors
4th Place A/B Grade
Novice ladies team
2nd Place Championship Grade
Intermediate ladies team
2nd Place Championship Grade
Open Under 33yrs ladies team
3rd Place Championship Grade
2nd Place
4th Place
3rd Place / 5th Place
2nd Place
2nd yr Senior
Caitlin Tyler
5th Place
Open Senior 23/24yrs
Claudia Comacchio
3rd Place
Amelia Kentwell
4th Place
Open Senior 25-27yrs
Tarah Scott
4th Place
Open Senior 28+yrs
Ashleigh Barry
1st Place
Open Over 33 Ladies
Nadina Zappia
2nd Place
Frequently Asked Questions

How much do lessons cost at Mount Ousley Physie?
Lessons are charged at $10 per class and paid for on an annual or term fee basis, spread equally across 3 term installments, if you choose. MtO offers flexibility and options around payment for all members.
Can I try before committing to join?
Absolutely! MtO offers up to 2 free lessons for all new members. There is no commitment to join, however there is a registration cut off date.
What do I wear to Class?
Juniors: There is no prescribed uniform for regular classes, however members are encouraged to wear their Mount Ousley Physie club gear. Seniors & Ladies: Seniors and Ladies can wear leggings and a fitted t-shirt or activewear top to class and bare feet but are encouraged to wear their Mount Ousley Physie club gear. No footwear is worn during class or competitions.
What do I wear for competitions?
BJP has a strict set of rules when it comes to competitions that MtO expects all members to adhere to. All competitors are required to wear either their BJP leotards or performance wear (tights and tops). Fishnet tights are optional and no dance shoes are required. Fake tan is banned for girls under 15 and discouraged above 15 years. There are strict makeup rules for under 15s but not for adults. Hair is to be kept simple, stylish and feminine. When not competing, members and club supporters are strongly encouraged to wear their Mount Ousley Club uniform to all official competition events.
Are competitions mandatory?
Not at all, the competitions are completely optional, though they are a great way to build confidence and meet other Physie girls from all over Australia. It’s a wonderful experience designed to encourage girls to become comfortable performing in a safe, positive environment.
How do I know if I am a novice, intermediate or open lady?
Whether you’re a beginner, novice, intermediate or open lady, primarily depends on when you last competed in Physie. The attached table will help you determine which section you should be in, however we ask that you confirm with your teacher if you are unsure.